Year 5
Class 5: Mr Sanchez
Class 6: Mrs Bird
Teaching Assistants;
Miss Ali, Miss Johns
Example Year 5 timetable
Year 5 Long Term Plan
Useful information for when your child is in Year 5.
- The Year 5 entrance to and from school is from the hall door (the first door when you walk round from the main playground).
- As in all other classes, children are expected to read each night and to have their reading record signed. Please send the reading records into school daily.
- Spellings will be sent home on a Tuesday in a yellow book to be practised at home ready for a test the following Tuesday, when the yellow books need to be returned.
- We will be focusing a lot on our times tables this year. Please could you make sure your child is confident with their times tables? Our times tables tests are on Fridays.
- Homework will come home on a Friday, to be returned by the following Thursday at the latest. If your child would prefer to do their homework at school with a teacher to help, we run a homework club on a Tuesday lunchtime.
- PE days are Mondays and Thursdays, although children may wish to bring their PE kits in on a Monday to be left in school.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us using Class Dojos.
Useful Links