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Religious Education


At Newlaithes Junior School, our RE and Worldviews provision is in line with Cumbria’s Agreed Syllabus (2023) and enables pupils to make academically informed judgements about religions and beliefs that shape the local and global landscape. We aim to develop children’s religious literacy, allowing children to be part of balanced and well-informed conversations about religious and non-religious worldviews. We encourage children to be inquisitive and curious when exploring the beauty and ever-changing nature of beliefs celebrated throughout the world. Children will explore beliefs in relation to their own lives and choices, developing and reflecting on their own personal worldview. At Newlaithes Junior School, we focus on Christianity and Islam, the KS1 focus religions, and introduce Hinduism in year 3. This is in addition to building up knowledge of the six principle religions and other non-religious worldviews (e.g. Humanism).


At Newlaithes Junior School, RE and Worldviews is taught in half-termly topics, with one lesson a week, following the Cumbria Agreed Syllabus from Year 3 to 6. The syllabus is split into three disciplines – Theology, Philosophy and Human Sciences. Theology studies the roots of beliefs and how they have adapted over time. Philosophy is thinking about big questions and making sense of big ideas. Human and Social Sciences is exploring the different ways people practice their beliefs and the impact on society. Each topic has an enquiry question that mainly focuses on one of the disciplines, though the lessons will encompass elements of the other strands too.

Children have an RE and Worldviews exercise book for written tasks. Teachers may also type up elements of class discussions and take photos during practical lessons and drama activities to include in their books.

Seasonal school performances by year 3 for Easter and Year 4 for Harvest gives pupils and families an opportunity to reflect. Our Parish Reverend, Nina Orchard, is welcomed into school for termly lessons and assemblies. All children visit St Luke’s Church, Morton Park for our yearly Christmas carol concert music concert, led by Nina.  A NISCU representative visits school termly to work with different year groups in workshops. In year 3, children visit a local church, St James’ Church, Denton Holme to enhance their topic, ‘How do some people show commitment to their religion?’



Children will show interest in learning about the religions and worldviews of others, developing an understanding that enables them to consider these alongside their own values and identity. They will make insightful comments across a range of religions and can respond thoughtfully towards the identities and practices of others. They will compare elements of religions and worldviews sensitively, identifying similarities and differences. Children will develop their personal worldview, articulating their own ideas, while respecting those of others. Teachers will use both written work and verbal contributions when making an assessment judgement.