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Computing Curriculum Intent:

Children applying their coding skills on Scratch! Scratch allows them to create scripts of code building this up each year! We get to enjoy making stories, animations and quizzes!

At Newlaithes Junior School, we want children to understand that the ever-changing world around us is being continuously innovated by technology. Technology plays a vital role in our school life and supports learning across the curriculum. Through discovering, exploring and presenting information, it is our intention for pupils to be confident, responsible and respectful technology users.

We want our pupils to become computer literate and responsible online citizens. Our aim is to enable learners to gain the suitable knowledge and skills for future computing education and eventually future careers.

Pupils will work on a variety of skills from year 3-6 and all of our lessons and learning are closely aligned to the National Curriculum objectives and guidance for Ks2 computing.

We strive to make our lessons creative, interesting and cross-curricular where possible to enhance pupils learning experience.

Computing curriculum implementation:

The national curriculum states: The core of computing is computer science, in which pupils are taught the principles of information and computation, how digital systems work, and how to put this knowledge to use through programming. Building on this knowledge and understanding, pupils are equipped to use information technology to create programs, systems and a range of content. Computing also ensures that pupils become digitally literate – able to use, and express themselves and develop their ideas through, information and communication technology – at a level suitable for the future workplace and as active participants in a digital world.

DFE- 2013

With the above statement in mind, Computing is split in to three key areas:

  • Computer Science
  • Digital Literacy
  • Information technology

This includes the teaching of online safety.

Children are designated one lesson of computing a week, which takes place in our computing suite by our computing teacher and subject lead. Here, learners have access to a desktop computer and we also have use of the school iPads.

We have a curriculum overview and skills progression document, which shows which national curriculum objective and area of computing that the unit of work applies to.  

Computing lessons at Newlaithes vary and incorporate different teaching strategies such as independent tasks, paired and group work. We also have robots and other resources such as micro bits for physical computing.

Lessons are differentiated to ensure that all pupils can access them and achieve to the best of their ability. Opportunities to challenge and stretch pupils learning are also available.

The computing teacher and subject lead undertakes relevant CPD and analysis of the curriculum to ensure that their subject knowledge is up to date to ensure effective teaching. Other staff also make use of the iPads- which are booked on a timetable, and can also use the computing suite as part of this.

Online safety is a huge part of being a safe and responsible computer user. Our school uses project evolve and these lessons are incorporated in to computing lessons each term. The computing teacher also undertakes online safety assemblies and talks to staff about online safety once a term. It is hoped this will help to create a whole school approach to online safety.  

The computing teacher liaises with other schools in our cluster and uses a variety of educational sources to keep up to date with current online safety issues where applicable.

Computing curriculum impact:

Throughout computing lessons at Newlaithes, children are encouraged to express and challenge themselves, working in a creative and collaborative environment. Pupils are motivated to discuss, explore, evaluate and reflect on the impact computing has on their learning.

The success of the Computing curriculum is assessed through observing learners, evaluating their work as evidence of progress and through skills evaluation and pupil voice feedback. The teacher undertakes termly assessment and gives feedback to the pupils.  This will then inform future learning and schemes of work. It is hoped that this will insure that there is evident progression throughout school. There are opportunities to expand learning and skills by attending the computing club which runs weekly at lunch time for two terms of the year!

To accomplish our aims pupils should:

  • Have an enthusiastic and confident attitude towards computing.
  • Create and evaluate their own project work.
  • Identify problems and use perseverance to “debug” them.
  • Understand the positives and risks of various technology.
  • Understand how to stay safe online and what to do if they feel at risk.
  • Transition to secondary with a keen interest in computing and enthusiasm in expanding their skills.


Pupil Voice:


From a survey taken with all pupils in the school, the children enjoy the units of work. They see the value in what they are learning and particularly enjoy scratch and using word and PowerPoint to create different projects. They understand the need for internet safety and are making links to what they learn in the classroom and its relevance in the outside world. Overall pupils say they enjoy the fact they get to learn and have fun at the same time.





Applying our safe searching knowledge when using the internet to research about animals!


We enjoy using the computing suite for cross curricular learning! Pictured are year 6 children using the internet to research about Synagogues in Religious Education. We then used word or PowerPoint software to present our findings! 

Year 5 pupils enjoying themselves filming their movie trailers in front of our green screen! The children then edited them and added backgrounds using the green screen app! We had great fun creating our trailers!





Learners get frequent opportunities to expand and enhance their learning across various subject areas using the computing suite!
























Year 4 create a podcast about Brazil! They get to work in groups, researching about Brazil, typing our scripts and then recording and editing using iMovie! The photos show two groups background for their recording!