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At Newlaithes Junior School, we strive to meet the needs of all pupils within our school. All staff are aware of SEND within the school and receive high quality, up-to-date information and training. We aim to quickly identify pupils, who require additional support and provide targeted interventions to meet their needs. We ensure that parents are fully aware of the SEND process and informed of their child’s learning regularly throughout the year. We are a fully inclusive school and have strong links with the Local Authority, Health Professionals and organisations within our community. Our environment at Newlaithes Junior School, is developing regularly and consciously to meet the needs of our pupils. We aim to continue to learn, develop and grow our understanding of SEND across the school to meet the needs of all pupils within our care. If you have any concerns or wish to discuss SEND at our school, please do not hesitate to contact us:


All Staff at Newlaithes Junior School have responsibility to provide quality first teaching to pupils with SEND. If your child has an EHCP, their class teacher will inform and introduce you to the key members of staff, who work within your child’s class. If your child is receiving some group or one-to-one support these staff may be involved:

Miss R. MacArtney SENDCO


Cumbria Local Offer

The Local Offer aims to pull information about available services into one place and make it clear and accessible for you and your family. A Local Offer gives children and young people with special educational needs or disabilities and their families information about what support services the local authority thinks will be available in their local area. For further information please click here.

Please see attached links to useful guidance and websites:


Family Action

SEND guide for parents/carers

Bee unique charity



Further Services

At Newlaithes Junior School, we promote very strong links with our specialist teachers and Educational Psychologist for our local area, who regularly visit school to work with pupils and provide staff with further advice and training. We also access a wide range of services from the NHS such as speech and language therapists, community paediatrics, occupational therapists etc., who provide parents/carers and staff in school with the right information to meet pupils’ needs.

If you have concerns regarding speech and language therapy, physical/medical needs, autistic spectrum conditions, ADD/ADHD, cognition and learning or anything, please contact Miss MacArtney for further advice and/or consult the pages below:

Education Psychologist Services:

County Psychological Services - School Information and Resources | Cumbria's Family Information Directory

Early Intervention Programme:

The Early Intervention Programme has been designed to make links between Special Schools and Mainstream Schools. It has been designed to support primary students across Cumbria, who experience comparable barriers to learning. It involves a mainstream team, who require additional support or strategies to enable a student to make progress to refer to the relevant Special School. Our catchment school is Richard Rose Morton School, Carlisle. For further information about this process, please speak to Miss MacArtney (SENDCo). 


North Cumbria Community Children and Young People’s Services - Cumbria, Northumberland, Tyne and Wear NHS Foundation Trust (

Children's Learning Disability & Autism Teams:

Children's Learning Disability and Autism Teams - Cumbria, Northumberland, Tyne and Wear NHS Foundation Trust (

Community Paediatrics :: North Cumbria Integrated Care (


Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS) West Cumbria - CNTW254 - Cumbria, Northumberland, Tyne and Wear NHS Foundation Trust

Speech & Language Therapy:

Children's Speech and Language Therapy :: North Cumbria Integrated Care (