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School Uniform

All pupils wear school uniform. It is the school's experience that neat standards of dress and personal appearance are associated with high standards of behaviour and good manners. We believe that the wearing of school uniform helps pupils to take a pride in themselves and in their school: It gives a sense of belonging. 

Jewellery is not allowed. Small sleepers and studs are permitted for children with pierced ears but they must be removed for PE (NB Staff will not take studs out or put them back in after PE).  We ask for parents’ support in discouraging children from wearing all rings, bracelets and necklaces.

Our Uniform


Skirt or trousers

mid-grey plain

Shirt or blouse white with a stiffened collar
Pullover/Cardigan *Plain red v-necked with embroidered school badge (NOT a sweatshirt)
Tie *Plain red (available from the school office)
Shoes Sensible (flat heeled) all black shoes
Socks or tights White, grey or black

NB You can buy an embroidered school badge from the office.


PE/Games kit                    Plain white long sleeved shirt

 Plain white T-shirt for indoor PE (worn under long sleeved shirt in winter)

                                              Plain red shorts or athletics skirt

                                              Training shoes or pumps (for outdoor and indoor use)

                                              Plain black Tracksuit (optional)

*Summer additions        Red gingham dress

                                              White polo shirt – no tie


*A school badge is available from the school office that can be sewn on to clothing and reused.

School uniform can be purchased from;

Click here to go to the BE UNIFORM website.


There is a good selection of hardly worn second hand uniform at the Morton Op shop.