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Year 6

Year 6 Long Term Plan

The following outlines the work that will be set during each week for children in Classes 7 & 8. 

Autumn Term (1st half)

Science topic = Electricity

Geography topic = Physical Processes (e.g. plate tectonics)

Autumn Term (2nd half)

Science = Animals including humans

History = Battle of Britain (During this topic a small individual project will be carried out by each child. They will be informed about this nearer the time.)

Extra work may be set as and when appropriate.


- set on Friday for a test on the following Friday (Class 7)

- set on Thursday for the following Thursday (Class 8)

Literacy Homework                set on Tuesday due in on Thursday (Miss Lowther’s set)

                                                   set on Wednesday due in on Friday (Miss MacArtney’s set)

Numeracy Homework            set on Friday due in on Monday.

P.E.                 - Tuesday

Games          - Wednesday

(All children should continue to learn their times tables weekly and read regularly each week.)


Extra work may be set as and when appropriate.

Example Class timetable

Useful Links

The children are encouraged to undertake a regular programme of revision alongside their usual weekly Homework tasks.  This should be guided from information given to them as well as areas taught in class.

To help them along the way we have found some sites which they may find useful.   Many of these are interactive and use brief tutorials or engage the children to use their knowledge through the playing of games. 

  • BBC Education have produced a whole host of materials for KS2.  Follow the KS2 link and then select either Maths or English.   Each area usually has an information section for reading, plus an activity and then quiz which is marked online.  Some aspects require a subscription.

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